LaComm, A French Communication Analysis Software (2/3)
2. Information skills and «preset categories of information» databases.
Information skills allow HCP to inform patient about the context of the interview, the medical examination or about various topics. Information can be about the context of the interview, information about medical examination, and about various topics. «Preset categories of information skills» databases were developed for each of these categories of communication skills.

2.1. Information about the context of the interview and «preset categories of information about the context of the interview skills» databases.
Information about the context of the interview allow HCP to point some dimension of the interview.«Preset categories of information about the context of the interview» databases include categories of utterances which may be introduction/closure utterances (Shall we begin the interview?), agenda utterances (It is your first visit?), presentation utterances (I am doctor X.), communication utterances (It is necessary to explain you), management of the chart management utterances (I read your chart), and connection utterances (Your attending physician sent me your results).

2.2. Information about the medical examination and «preset categories of information about the medical examination» databases.
Information about the medical examination allow HCP to point some dimension of the medical examination.«Preset categories of information about the medical examination» databases include categories of utterances which may be preparatory utterances (Can you take off your shirt?), physical examination utterances (Raise the arm), functional examination utterances (I will weigh you) and less defined utterances about physical examination or physical skills assessment (Can you can raise the arm?)

2.3. Information about various topics and «preset categories of information about various topics» databases.
Information about various topics allow HCP to inform patient about psychological, medical and other topics.«Preset categories of information about various topics» databases include categories of topics (words or expressions) which are psychological, medical and other categories of topics.

2.3.1. The categories of psychological topics include several emotional category databases (anxiety, distress, angry, surprise, shame, dislike, emotional metaphors, positive emotions, affect), several cognition category databases (primary processes, secondary processes, motivation) and one pathology category database (disorders)

2.3.2. The categories of medical topics include several diagnosis category databases (oncological diagnosis, non-oncological diagnosis, less precise diagnosis), several prognosis category databases (precise prognosis, less precise prognosis), several oncology category databases (symptoms, technics, disciplines, professions, prevention) and several biology category databases (biochemical, anatomical, physiological)

2.3.3. The categories of other topics include several significant others category databases (close relations, acquaintances), several every day life category databases (financial, social statute, hobbies, domestical activities, clothing, food, culture, religion) and several time and space category databases (transport, spatial reference, temporal reference)


3. Supportive skills and «preset categories of supportive skills» databases.
Supportive skills allow HCP to support patient by asking him to express his concerns. Supportive skills include acknowledgment skills, negotiation skills and reassurance skills.«Preset categories of supportive skills» databases were developed for each of these categories of communication skills.

3.1. Acknowledgment skills and «preset categories of acknowledgment skills» databases.

3.1.1. Patient-centered acknowledgment skills are HCP implicite or explicite acknowledgment about the emotional state of the patient. «Preset categories of patient-centered acknowledgment» databases include categories of basic utterances (Continue, Mh mh, I understand), emotional utterances (I understand that you are distressed) and non-emotional utterances (I realize that you have a severe pain)

3.1.2. Self-centered acknowledgment skills are HCP acknowledgment about his own emotional state. «Preset categories of self-centered acknowledgment skills» databases include categories of utterances which describe HCP emotional state (I am sorry to tell you that), HCP cognitive state (It’s difficult for me to tell you) or HCP professional capacities (I don’t think I will be able to offer you surgery)

3.2. Negotiation skills and “preset categories of negation skills” databases
Negociation skills allow HCP to negotiate with the patient taking in account his concerns. Negociation skills allow also HCP to negociate about future arrangements.«Preset categories of negociation skills» databases include categories of utterances which may be basic utterances (I will come back when it will appropriate) , informative utterances (What could I suggest you ?), evaluative utterances (Is it OK for you?), context utterances (Can we start the consult ?), communication utterances (I suggest we could speak about it with your husband ?), connection utterances (Could you please call your gynaecologist ?), management of chart utterances (Do you want me to read your chart ?)

3.3. Reassurance skills and “preset categories of reassurance skills” databases.
Reassurance skills allow HCP to reassure the patient about a potential threat, discomfort or uncertainty. «Preset databases of reassurance skills» include categories of utterances which may be false reassurance utterances (Don’t worry), generalization utterances (New treatement may become available), advice/moralization (You must be strong), index of true reassurance utterances (I will do everything what is possible to help you)


The HCP-patient communication is essential in the clinical interview. Too few tools are able to give a fast and reliable assessment of the HCP communication skills. LaComm software analyses medical communication without the lack of reliability and time-rentability of human coders by using various databases.

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research program was supported by the «Gouvernement de Bruxelles-Capitale » of Belgium